@article{oai:nias.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000816, author = {上薗, 恒太郎}, issue = {2}, journal = {長崎総合科学大学紀要, Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper proposes clinical and integrated learning concerning the respect for life based on a consciousness changes among junior high school students using a movie as a learning material. First, I emphasized the historical meaning of the respect for life, which appeared for the first time in 1958 after World War II. I employed the association method to clarify the consciousness changes among students before and after watching the movie “Be Born”. Because a movie is also an integrated art, it can be a base to connect subjects. Moreover, the topic of the respect for life is a value in moral education and has relations to other subjects, including arts and gymnastics, and so is worthwhile as a topic of Integrated Studies in school.}, pages = {67--106}, title = {生命尊重の総合的な学習を広げる映画活用の提案--中学生が映画「うまれる」を観て思ったこと}, volume = {58}, year = {2018}, yomi = {カミゾノ, コウタロウ} }